With the easy-to-use (and pre-installed) command line utility zenity, it is pretty simple to create useful external tools for gedit!
RubyBuntu -4- Make gedit better than any IDE ;)
You can, of course, use an IDE for coding – but reconsider it: After hours of initialization, it tries to do everything for you… Somewhere in the never ending menu jungle… And you need to click all the time… Stop! Focus on the gist! You want to write code!
RubyBuntu -3- Be one with your command line!
Most Ruby programmers know: Many things can be done in much less time on the command line. To become more productive, you should take the 10 minutes to configure some basic settings.
RubyBuntu -2- Troubleshooting common Ruby ubuntu problems
A common Ruby experience on ubuntu: You get some stupid error, saying something would be missing – and you don’t know what to do…
RubyBuntu -1- Installing Ruby (and Rails) on ubuntu
Installing Ruby/Rails on ubuntu is not hard, but some little obstacles might be confusing.
This is a Ruby implentation of the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. Truth be told: It is almost a plain copy of the Wikipedia pseudocode ;)