So you’ve installed (or upgraded to) ubuntu 11.10 and everything looks great… Except – uh!, lots of gedit plugins are only compatible with gedit 2! But don’t be sad.. or angry.. This guide points out, how to, nevertheless, create a solid foundation that allows you getting prodcutive with gedit!
Hi, I am Jan. This is my old Ruby blog. I still post about Ruby, but I now do it on You should also install Irbtools to improve your IRB.
Fixing a little anchor permalinks vs. pagination issue (using javascript and jekyll)
I am using the Jekyll blog generator for some projects (still not sure if I really like it..) and came across the following requirement the other day:
- The blog should only have an index page, no (visible) sub-posts
- This index page should use pagination
- There should be the ability to link to a specific blog post
The problem was: I wanted to use anchor links (https://some.url/#post-identifier), but – because of the pagination – blog posts “change” their index page (e.g. in jekyll, they move from /#example
to /page2/#example