Three little tips for slimmer Rails migrations
Rails migrations are easy to understand and easy to write. However, you can save some unnecessary key strokes by applying these three tips :)
Let’s take a simple example Rails 3.0/Rails 2.3 migration:
class AddWebsiteToUser < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_column :users, :website, :string
def self.down
remove_column :users, :website
Tip 1) No self.
Until Rails 3.0, you have to define class methods of your newly created migration, so you need to prefix your up
and down
methods with self.
You can get rid of this verboseness by upgrading to Rails 3.1 (which uses instance methods) or using the helper method from tip 2.
Tip 2) Kernel#migration
helper method
I often use older migrations as a template for new ones. One annoying step about this approach is to modify the class name of the migration to match the file name (AddWebsiteToUsers
in this case). This task can be automated to look like this:
migration do
def up
add_column :users, :website, :string
def down
remove_column :users, :website
This bearable amount of magic is done by this little snippet (which could also be written as an one-liner):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
def migration(&block) if caller[0].rindex(/(?:[0-9]+)_([_a-z0-9]*).rb:\d+(?::in `.*')?$/) m = Object.const_set $1.camelize, m.instance_eval(&block) # Rails 3.0/2.3 # m.class_eval(&block) # Rails 3.1 or Rails 3.0/2.3 without tip 1 applied else raise ArgumentError, "Could not create migration at: #{caller[0]}" end end
Just add it to a config/initializer/*
file and you are ready to use the feature.
Alternatively, it’s available as Rails plugin/gem, which also modifies the migration generator to use the new syntax:
Plugin version
rails plugin install git:// -r 3.0
Gem version
gem 'slim_migrations', '~> 3.0.0'
The plugin is compatible with Rails 3.1, Rails 3.0 and Rails 2.3 (just checkout the proper branch/version). It also comes with a slim_migrations:update_syntax
rake task for translating all of your current migrations.
Tip 3) Use Rails 3.1’s reversible migrations
As mentioned in tip 1, up
and down
are Migration instance methods in Rails 3.1. It also introduces a new change
method that can be used as an up
alternative. It is run normally when migrating up, but also provides the capability of rolling back your migration. Of course, it only works for easy migrations, but in many cases, you don’t want to do advanced stuff!
With all three tips applied to it, the example migration looks pretty sexy now:
migration do
def change
add_column :users, :website, :string
For more information about Rails 3.1’s change
method, see the blog post by Rohit Arondekar!